Develop What AI Can NOT Do; Customize AI Experience Design (AIXD) in Training AI to Serve Humanity (pt. 4 of 4)

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Experience design for highly personalized generative AI is what 10 Plus Brand is known for, says Joanne Z. Tan, global brand strategist & experience designer.

The future of AI is in customized content that integrates with individual user experience design, to train hyper personalized generative AI.

In Pt 1, I discussed AI related decision making steps for business leaders. In Pt. 2, I talked about how to create quality content or data to feed AI tools. In Pt. 3, I discussed developing leadership and people for the AI Age.  In Pt 4 here, I will explain experience design (XD), after listing what AI can NOT do.

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It is said that the fear of the UNKNOWN is the worst fear, like when nuclear weapons were first created, electricity was first discovered, now AI is launched. Like electricity and nuclear power, AI can serve humanity as long as humans have an upper hand.

I believe that focusing on what AI can not do is just as important, perhaps even more important than focusing on what AI can do. 

Instead of letting the fear of the UNKNOWN hijack our focus away from the KNOWN, here is a long list of what AI and machine learning can never do, even though AI may reason better than humans:

  • Creativity, Ingenuity, Imagination;
  • Intuition, Spirituality;
  • Strategizing;
  • Vision;
  • High level insights;
  • Risk assessment and risk taking;
  • Multidisciplinary Intellectuality; 
  • Systemic design thinking;
  • Human-to-human bonding, relationship and friendship building;
  • Emotional intelligence; Empathy; 
  • Human senses and emotions for touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing, and feeling;
  • Ability to “read” the room;
  • Leadership; high stakes decision making;
  • Building human community; forging loyalty and tribal culture;
  • Team building; forming synergy, alliance, network; 
  • Psychological and psychic experience; 
  • Unpredictable, emotion-driven behaviors; 
  • Altruistic charity;
  • Moral judgment; knowing right from wrong;
  • Negotiating, compromising, making peace among nations and among ourselves;
  • Enjoy music, art, sports;
  • Feeling joy, sorrow, peace, fulfillment, admiration, love, anger, jealousy, or any other human emotions;
  • What we call the “heart” and the “soul”;
  • Finding the meaning of life, and living it.
  • (Anything else? Please feel free to add.)

These are all essential parts of being human, and they evolve as we live our human lives.  

“Real Time” Instantaneity: Pros and Cons

AI can enable us to feel the pulse of customers and the market with “real time” data. However, instantaneity can lead to impulsivity due to lack of reasoning and weighing of consequences, which takes time, wisdom, and experience. 

Sound decisions take time to mull over, evaluate, and think through all aspects and alternatives. Instantaneous knee jerk reactions in “real time” often do not serve us well, not for long term benefit, and not in our best interest. Example: During a political debate, AI can tell us what the real time audience reactions are, graphed with ups and downs, during a candidate’s talk. But voters don’t vote solely based on “in the moment” feelings and sentiments.  After more than a year of listening to and observing candidates, they vote, hopefully, with reasoned judgment. 

Personalized AI and Experience Design

“AI coupled with experience, leads to hyper personalized AI”, said Salima Lin, IBM. 

Sam Altman has been busy raising billions from huge sovereign and enterprise investors to make chips and build devices. [1] It seems to me that Altman’s ambition for AI is to become an indispensable “personal assistant” to each human, by creating a closed-loop, hyper personalized, self-improving, private and bespoke “AI Companion” for each individual’s needs and unique user experience. 

The future of AI is in customized content that integrates with individual user experience design, to train hyper personalized generative AI, in my opinion.  What ChatGPT got Sam Altman so far, is like an “appetizer”: to show investors and consumers what generative AI can do, so he can secure billions of dollars to do the truly amazing things with the “main course” I just mentioned above. 

That’s good news for brand builders like 10 Plus Brand, since we thrive on creating INDIVIDUALIZED, bespoke content for organizations and individuals, based on their own unique brand DNA. 10 Plus Brand specializes in developing AI experience design (AIXD), a personalized customer journey to upgrade products, services, and experiences. With a healthy “feedback loop” between AI algorithms and experience design, AI and human intelligence can pinpoint the exact problems to solve, refine the output, and constantly upgrade design experience and user delight.

This is also voiced in an article published by McKinsey, December 5, 2023: “[C]ompanies seeking to truly differentiate themselves are going further. They are creating unique, customized solutions for customers by adapting off-the-shelf models that are trained on smaller, task-specific data sets. This is when companies can start to see exponential improvements in customizing everything for customers from campaigns to products. When companies start reshaping existing gen AI models with their own data and for their own highly specific needs, the results can be profound.” (“How generative AI can boost consumer marketing”.

The best time to master AI is now, at AI’s nascent stage

Even though AI still has a way to go before it can expertly do very specific tasks, multiple use cases, and systemic workflow that meet all compliance requirements, it is important and efficient for human intelligence to direct where AI is going at its nascent stage, rather than at a later stage when correction and relearning is harder and more costly. In other words, “well begun, half done”. Get it right at the onset.

While AI handles repetitive tasks, the human workforce can focus on creating better experiences, products and services, improving customer relationships.

– It takes time to develop workforce data fluency and capability to control AI. 

– It takes time to develop fully mature AI that will be in compliance with data privacy, technology security, and other financial, legal, brand reputation requirements.

– It takes time to improve experience design for hyper personalized AI, when AI and humans are synchronized in their dance to elevate humanity to a higher level of existence. 

Human intelligence will ALWAYS be needed, to feed AI with high quality, strategic, well worded content, to discern unconscious biases and AI hallucinations, to identify gaps, to ask good questions, to formulate precise queries, and to improve AI and customer experience.

It is a never ending process, for humans to keep testing, tweaking, and iterating based on AI and user feedback.

“Do you want AI to happen TO you? Or do you want AI to happen FOR you?” asked Salima Lin, IBM consultant…

 “The real differentiator will be not the tools themselves, but optimizing them with human creativity, intuition, and high-level insights,” says Banu Kellner, Founder at SuperHuman Society.

With caution, realism, and reasoning, we humans can improve AI with our endless creativity and  innovation, while AI allows humans to be more creative, innovative, and human. This ideal happy relationship between AI and humanity should NOT be a symbiotic codependency, but a subservient one: Humans control AI, never the other way around.  

About the author: Joanne Z. Tan is an executive brand coach, brand strategist, content creator, AI experience designer, leading 10 Plus Brand, Inc, a multiple award-winning brand building, brand marketing, experience design for AI, customers, users, consumers, global digital marketing agency. Please feel free to contact us for any content, branding, experience design advice by visiting, thank you.

This is Pt 4 of 4, where I explained experience design (XD), after listing what AI can NOT do. In Pt 1, I discussed AI related decision making steps for business leaders. In Pt. 2, I talked about how to create quality content or data to feed AI tools. In Pt. 3, I discussed developing leadership and people for the AI Age.  

© Joanne Z. Tan  All rights reserved.



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