Brand Messaging, Website, Revenue

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A branded website reflects a company’s culture. Brand messaging inspires employees, management and customers, thus increase sales.

I love watching Sean White performing his amazing jumps, twists and turns at the halfpipe and winning his 3rd Winter Olympic Gold Medal. Imagine the halfpipe as a company’s website. In the age of the internet, a company’s website is where its brand resides. A website is the face of a company. It is where the first impression is made in the subconscious minds of customers, and we all get only once chance to make a first impression. Customers either are drawn to it, or are turned away from it. It takes just seconds to decide. “Build brands, not businesses.” “Businesses survive, brands thrive.” – MJ DeMarco. How does this affect brand messaging?

What makes or breaks a website? – content. Brand-messaging content – verbal, and visual.

However, in an age when everyone is under a waterfall of information, people’s attention span is getting shorter and shorter while they are multi-tasking more and more information from multiple channels and media.

Fewer Words, More Impact

For a website to impress and hold customers attention, content needs to be impactful, short, simple. Yet with fewer words, more power needs to be delivered with more impact and speed. Far more than just letting people know what you do or have, the brand messaging needs to be inspiring, empowering, both substantively and visually. It needs to establish emotional connection with your target audience. Only then has the website done its job of spreading the company’s brand power, instilling the company’s brand image, and promoting the company’s brand recognition. The brand messaging will inspire and unite both the employees and the management of the company internally, as well as inspire and hold customers’ loyalty externally. The resulting increase in the company’s revenue and reputation is paralleled with the enjoyment of work on the parts of the employees and management, thus developing brand loyalty on the parts of customers, employees, and management.

SEO, Landing Pages, Poetic Words

For the purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) each landing page needs to have at least 300 – 500 words, with key words specific to the expertise the website focuses on. This blog does not address SEO or visuals such as photos and videos, but rather the STYLE of verbal communication on a website that either gets your message across, or loses your audience, regardless of number of words for SEO: (1) use fewer words, shorter sentences, (2) use layman’s language, not technical or abstract nouns and verbs, (3) use poetic, emotional, concrete, description words, (5) then you match the words with visuals.

A Branded Website Reflects A Company’s Culture

A website is a journey. Its content is a reflection of a company’s evolving culture: Is it static, or is it dynamic? Is it afraid of change, or is it innovative? Does it have a higher purpose, or is it solely pragmatic? Does it merely inform, or inspire and empower? … Most importantly, is your website singing in tune with your company’s core values, business vision, mission and goals? Perhaps it is time to have a branding expert to assess your website, and refresh its content. That’s good branded website management.

A Well Developed Brand Leads to 2.5 Times ROI

A branded business is worth 2.5 times more than a non-branded business. At 10+ Brand, we hone and refresh a brand from its fundamentals, starting from our proprietary 30-Question Questionnaire, to hours of brainstorming, until a “rock” is turned into a “gem.” We shorten your sales cycle by combining branding and marketing into one. We turn a website into a power brand that generates prospects, clients, and profits, as well as long term loyalty on the parts of both customers and employees. We help your brand and your website inform, inspire, and empower.

For a free initial consultation, please email Joanne Tan at, or call 925-878-1992. Thank you!

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(About 10 Plus Brand: the “whole 9 yards” is not enough, we go 10+ to exceed your expectations in brand building, digital marketing, and content creation for both business and personal brands.)

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