Why Do You Need a Promotional video?

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Having a promotional video is one thing, but another for to be powerfully scripted, artistic, and impactfully marketed. Brand value illustrated by Steve Jobs

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Do you want to put your best online marketing foot forward?
How to show your unique strength to your targeted audience?
Do you know that a visitor to your website retains 60% more about your business by watching a video versus reading text?
Start with a 3-minute promotional video! BUT…
It is one thing to have a promotional video, but quite another to have it powerfully scripted, artistically enhanced, and impactfully marketed.

Want to make your promo video a “Big Bang”?
Let Joanne Z. Tan Help you! – Why her?
1) She have a law degree and MBA marketing training.
2) She can brainstorm with you, hone your script, discover your uniqueness, your target audience, your strength.
3) She then voice-coaches, and artistically directs, so your speech will connect emotionally to your audience.
4) She is an award-winning photographer and artist.
5) Most importantly, she cares. Her greatest satisfaction comes from helping growing businesses and professionals discover their strength, love their brand, and succeed!

You kill 5 birds with this one stone:
1) In preparing your script with Joanne, you get a clear picture of the essence of your business, its marketing niche, and your vision.
2) Your website with a 3-minute promotional video is much more effective than a text-only website: A powerful video presentation saves potential clients time from reading print, and gives them your personal presence through your voice and image. Use it also on LinkedIn, Youtube, and other social media outlets.
3) The written script for the video can be used immediately for content-marketing for your website, since it is SEOable with all the key words, search engines like Google will market online for you 24/7, free.
4) You can write blogs based on the script.
5) Rehearsing a well-honed promo video speech will also give you a chance to see yourself on video, and substantially improve your face-to-face connection with potential clients, and in your “elevator speech”. You can watch yourself on video to improve verbiage, body language, and expression, so you can be at your best!
Schedule a free initial consultation with Joanne Tan, of Joanne Tan Visual Branding: call or text: (925) 878-1992, or email: director@JoanneTanVisualBranding.com

“Branding Success in Style & Substance.” – Joanne Tan, image branding consultant, director, producer, and friend.


“Joanne brainstormed with me, pin-pointed and defined what’s unique about my business, and wrote a ‘Big Bang’ script with personal stories. She made it succinct, personable, captivating and engaging. She was also skillful in drawing passion into my video narration, so I sounded and looked genuine and convincing on camera. I am planning a sequel! ” – Neil Sullivan, Owner, Better Nutrition Simplified.

“The difference Joanne made to my speech was night and day. She targeted the audience and asked the right questions. She coached me on how to speak and act in front of a camera, by marking the script with symbols for emphases, pauses, and facial expressions, then she asked me to ignore the script and be myself while recording. My improved video performance also helped with in-person presentation w/ potential clients.”-Rick Morgin, Franchise Consultant, FranNet.

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