
Jul4, 2024

Rank Choice Voting Can Save US Democracy and Avoid the Two-party Dead End – Excerpt from Interview of Former Chief Justice of CA Supreme Court

By Joanne Z. Tan | Jul 4, 2024 | Interviews of Notables and Influencers, Politics, | 0 Comments

"Rank Choice Voting has a lot of pros to it", said former Chief Justice of CA Supreme Court Tani Cantil-Sakauye In a discussion with Joanne Z. Tan.  ...

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Jul1, 2024

The Entire Interview of Former CA Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye: Her Journey; CA’s Future; SCOTUS, US Democracy

By Joanne Z. Tan | Jul 1, 2024 | Interviews of Notables and Influencers, Stand for Something, Politics, AI, Technology, Leadership, AI & Technology, | 0 Comments

On June 24, 2024, Joanne Z. Tan conducted an 1-hour 50 minute interview of Tani Cantil-Sakauye, former Chief Justice of California Supreme Court for 1...

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Jun25, 2024

US Supreme Court’s Upcoming Ruling on Absolute Immunity and Limited Immunity for PROTUS

By Joanne Z. Tan | Jun 25, 2024 | Interviews of Notables and Influencers, Politics, | 0 Comments

Absolute immunity or limited immunity for PROTUS, as ruled by the US Supreme Court, will have significant, long lasting ramifications for our democrac...

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Mar4, 2024

Genuine Video vs. Deepfake Video

By Joanne Z. Tan | Mar 4, 2024 | Branding, Video, Digital marketing, Content marketing, Personal branding, Brand building, Stand for Something, Advertising, AI, Technology, AI & Technology, | 0 Comments

To fight the danger of deepfake video, all video makers are called to make a one-sentence disclaimer: "This is a genuine video, Deepfake is not used"....

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Feb20, 2024

The Roaming Spirit of Alexei Navalny

By Joanne Z. Tan | Feb 20, 2024 | Branding, Personal branding, Brand building, Stand for Something, Politics, Poems & Memoir by Joanne Tan, Leadership, | 0 Comments

The Roaming Spirit of Alexei Navalny To watch as a video To listen as a podcast   Like a meteor lighting up the Arctic night, no Sun...

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Dec31, 2023

Seven 2024 Predictions, by Joanne Tan

By Joanne Z. Tan | Dec 31, 2023 | 30 Seconds of Anything, Politics, AI, Technology, | 1 Comments

A bumpy ride ahead in 2024 to good US economy, democracy, generative AI, interest rate and housing market, per Seven 2024 predictions, by Joanne. Z. T...

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Oct20, 2023

World War 3 by Proxy?

By Joanne Z. Tan | Oct 20, 2023 | Stand for Something, Politics, | 0 Comments

World War 3 is unfolding by proxies in the Israel-Hamas War (US & Iran), the Ukraine-Russia War (NATO vs. Russia and its authoritarian supporters)...

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Oct7, 2023

Are you Good?

By Joanne Z. Tan | Oct 7, 2023 | Branding, 30 Seconds of Anything, Politics, | 0 Comments

What do truth and facts have to do with "Are you good? Are you correct?" How do our beliefs and opinions influence truth, democracy, freedom? Listen ...

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May13, 2023

Don’t surrender your own identity and personal freedom

By Joanne Z. Tan | May 13, 2023 | Branding, Personal branding, Brand building, Stand for Something, | 0 Comments

Individual identity, freedom and diversity can never threaten a true democracy but only strengthen it. Racism, antisemitism, and white supremacism are...

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Apr8, 2023

The Tennessee Three – A Poem

By Joanne Z. Tan | Apr 8, 2023 | Stand for Something, Politics, Poems & Memoir by Joanne Tan, | 0 Comments

A short poem about The Tennessee Three, the holy week, and all that happened last week, and will happen.  Since 2016, we are numbed by the daily onsl...

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