US Constitution

Jul1, 2024

Term Limits and Ethics Rules for US Supreme Court Justices – Excerpt from an Interview of Former Chief Justice of CA Supreme Court

By Joanne Z. Tan | Jul 1, 2024 | Interviews of Notables and Influencers, Politics, Leadership, | 0 Comments

Should there be age-based term limits for the US Supreme Court Justices? Can a "too-old -to-be-effective" rule apply to ALL other  members of the US ...

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Jun26, 2022

The US Supreme Court Justices Are NOT Above the Law

By Joanne Z. Tan | Jun 26, 2022 | Politics, Stand for Something, | 0 Comments

WE THE PEOPLE must impose term limits for Supreme Court Justices, as an amendment to the US Constitution. We ask DOJ and the US Congress to investi...

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