Should there be age-based term limits for the US Supreme Court Justices? Can a "too-old -to-be-effective" rule apply to ALL other members of the US ...
Read MoreAbsolute immunity or limited immunity for PROTUS, as ruled by the US Supreme Court, will have significant, long lasting ramifications for our democrac...
Read MoreUkraine War: Will Russia start World War III? What to do with mass shootings in the US? How to sustain our democracy? - Interview of Prof. Jason Wit...
Read MoreTrump crimes as POTUS exposes US democratic systemic flaws. Congress must pass 7 new laws to correct partisan voting certification, gerrymandering, et...
Read MoreWE THE PEOPLE must impose term limits for Supreme Court Justices, as an amendment to the US Constitution. We ask DOJ and the US Congress to investi...
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