Episode 82: Rebranding, Brand Building, Brand Equity, Brand Management: Why & How, ROI 12 Feb, 2023


Rebranding, brand building and brand management, although seem to be never-ending processes, at a company’s birth, growth, rebirth, they result in brand equity and phenomenal ROI.

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A successful company can become a brand. A recognized brand has brand equity. 

Brand equity can be used as collateral for bank loans that fuel further growth, AND

Upon exit and sale, brand equity can multiply EBITDA 4X (if valuation is at the 3rd tier), or 20X (if valued at the highest 1st tier).

When a company is sold to a new owner, post M&A, the new owner always has a different vision, even a different business model, and surely a different brand persona for the newly acquired company. That’s when rebranding is needed upon “rebirth”.

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(About 10 Plus Brand: In addition to the “whole 10 yards” of brand building, digital marketing, and content creation for business and personal brand. To contact us: 1-888-288-4533.)

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