Episode 99: Personal Brand: a Balancing Act & Forever Journey

7 Oct, 2023


With a personal brand, one must not let one’s ego get in the way when adjusting the fit between unique value propositions and the needs of its target audience.

A personal brand is always in relationship to three things: 

– Yourself — your brand DNA, your core values, beliefs, what you stand for;

– Those you serve (and who feed you in return) — they are the “target audience”, most of the time;

– Your competitors or peers, your industry or marketplace — how your brand is differentiated from your competitors, and where it stands in your industry, and where you want it to be.

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(About 10 Plus Brand: In addition to the “whole 10 yards” of brand building, digital marketing, and content creation for business and personal brand. To contact us: 1-888-288-4533.)

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