Episode 54: Chris Rock Got slapped by Will Smith: What does it take for a man to defend a woman’s honor, & vice versa?  5 Apr, 2022


Chris Rock slapped by Will Smith, Cory Booker defended Judge Jackson: What does it take for a man to defend a woman’s honor, & vice versa? 

In very different ways, what Cory Booker said in Judge Jackson’s SCOTUS hearing, and what Will Smith did to Chris Rock were both out of compassion, in the “your pain is my pain, insulting you is insulting me” spontaneous action and reaction. 

I know for a fact that I am not the only woman who wishes their quality in a man who deserves to be called a husband, or a partner, or a true friend, or a decent human being who gives a piece of his or her true self in an unjust or even humiliating situation.

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