Episode 93: Clouds Rest, Yosemite Trails, & Talking to a Quail_Part 3 of 4 14 Jul, 2023


Yosemite trails, Clouds Rest, Conversing with a Quail in Wilderness – Part 3 of 4, by Joanne Z. Tan.

“Don’t climb Clouds Rest in a thunderstorm. You will be struck by lightning.” People say. And that was exactly what happened – almost!  Did you know that Clounds Rest is 1,100 feet ABOVE Half Dome?  What did we see up there and on Yosemite trails? Listen to Part 3 of 4, Yosemite Adventure, by Joanne Z. Tan.

– Clouds Rest

– Altitude sickness on Yosemite trails

– The wall of life and death

– Thunderstorm

– Talking with a Quail

– To watch Part 3 as a video, which has FAR MORE photos and videos of Yosemite

– To read Part 3 as a blog

(- To watch part 4 as a video)

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