Episode 67: 8 Branding Elements For Businesses, Leaders, or Organizations 2 Oct, 2022


Here are 8 branding elements which, when used well, can substantially enhance a company’s digital marketing, branding and brand building with strategies, content, logo, website, video, LinkedIn, SEO.

Brand elements demonstrate how to do more with less in inflation, as shown in the upcoming book “How to Become a Brand: Decode, Create, Amplify” by Joanne Z Tan

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As the economy is in a soft landing, and perhaps heading into a recession, doing more with less during times of inflation is key to your company’s success. What are the low hanging fruits in digital marketing for you? 

In the upcoming book “How to Become a Brand: Decode, Create, Amplify” by Joanne Z. Tan, founder, CEO, and brand strategist of 10 Plus Brand, Inc, we will discuss the following eight brand elements in depth and detail. This is a short summary for building and amplifying a business brand online.  Samples for these elements are also on https://10plusbrand.com/

(1) Branding Elements’ foundation: Brand DNA – Decode

(2) Brand strategies, structures, stories – Create

(3) Brand Look & Feel  – Create

(4) A branded website  – Create

(5) Brand promotional video  – Create

(6) SEO: for the brand, of the brand, with the brand – amplify

(7) Social media brand marketing  – amplify

(8) Drip Content Marketing, using AI + human intelligence  – amplify

Which of the above eight branding elements are the most important to your business, right now? Which is your lowest hanging fruit in this golden age of deep branding and impactful digital marketing? Need some consultative advice about which of the 8 branding elements are the best fit for your company? Call us: 1-888-288-4533.

To read the transcript of this episode as a blog post (Click Here)

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