Episode 24: 10 Plus Interviews – by Joanne Z. Tan – Tim Draper: Digital Currency, Bitcoin, Elon Musk, Inflation, China, Women (part 1) – Interviews of Notables & Influencers EPISODE 24 BY Joanne Z. Tan, 10 Plus Brand 4 Jun, 2021


Tim Draper on Elon Musk, crypto & Bitcoin, smart contracts, Blockchain, digital currency & women, interview with Joanne Z. Tan,10PlusBrand.com

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Out of 60 questions, we only had time for 34. But Tim said that if there are enough sharing by the audience, he will answer the remaining 24 questions.  PLEASE SHARE!


Check out Part 2 of the interview: “Tim Draper talks Bitcoin, Crypto Currency, Inflation, IRS Tax Revenue, SEC Regulations, Ray Dalio, etc.

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To read the transcript of this episode as a blog post (Click Here)

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