Episode 19: Leverage the Universe – the Ultimate Macro of Branding and Brand Purpose (Pt. 1)

EPISODE 19 BY Joanne Z. Tan, 10 Plus Brand 20 Mar, 2021


Brand building leverages authenticity, core values, brand purpose and passion, given and propelled by the creator of the Universe.

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Universe? Branding? What’s the connection? – Everything, or nothing. Six minutes of this podcast might change your life. You won’t be disappointed.

(Hint: To find brand purpose, leverage authenticity, core values, purpose and passion, given and propelled by the life giver and creator of the Universe.)

To be continued in Pt 2 – the “micro” of brand building.

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Edited by Daley Toudic, Susan Olson  

© Joanne Tan, all rights reserved.

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